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Sensitive nutrition for dogs with normal levels of activity.

Your dog is even-tempered and has a normal level of activity?

Then BELCANDO DINNER is always the right choice for your dogs diet. Combine it with a healthy exercise regimen, and your dog will enjoy the benefits of wellness.
499.00 руб.
For small and medium-sized breeds.

Is your dog, as a genuine member of the family, spending the majority of his time within your four walls? Do you want to strengthen his immune defenses and offer him a dry dog food that tastes so delicious, hell think you made it yourself? Then Belcando Finest-Croc with tender duck and the nest poultry liver is the right choice. The great taste is accented by the? Nest sauce which is formed when you add a small amount of warm water.
595.00 руб.
For overweight and older dogs of small and medium-size breeds.

If your dog is a true connoisseur and turns up his nose at every diet, BELCANDO Finest Light is perfect for him. Tasty duck with a delicious sauce and easily digestible rice make up the primary ingredients in this reduced-energy recipe. Older dogs or dogs who tend to be overweight in particular can enjoy BELCANDO Finest Light with no regrets.
235.00 руб.
Frontline Spray is convenient, highly effective and only needs to be applied once a month to give both flea and tick control to your pet. More vets choose frontline as an effective reliable treatment to rid you pet from fleas and ticks then any other.
675.00 руб.
For high powered dogs.
We are all familiar with especially active dogs who are particularly full of energy and who expend a lot of it. Belcando High Energy provides the energy.
525.00 руб.
Multi-Croc, For fastidious with low and medium levels of activity.
Have you literally had to conjure up "something extra" for your dog's meals so he would eat his normal food? If so, try this delicious croquette mix with a hearty sauce designed for dogs with normal activity levels that even finicky eaters can't resist!
219.00 руб.
Complete nutrition and protection for adult dogs

PRO PLAN Adult Original is made with high quality chicken and highly digestible rice as the main ingredients, and no added colourants and no preservatives. The PRO PLAN combination of natural food ingredients and extra vitamins and minerals are scientifically selected to help support your dog's immune system, digestive system and skin & coat. Everything he needs for a lifetime of natural protection.

2749.00 руб.
Pro Plan Puppy Chicken & Rice
Specially formulated for puppies, gestating & lactating bitches for proper development of healthy bones, teeth and muscles. Chicken is
3149.00 руб.
Pro Plan Senior Sensitive Salmon & Rice
With the right balance of calcium and phosphorous as well as protein and fat, BETA Large Breed meets the needs of the large breed dogs.
3020.00 руб.
This innovative diet is designed for the dietary management of dogs with allergic dermatitis. It contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, and unique protein sources, such as salmon meal, trout and canola meal that most dogs have not been exposed to in the past.
955.00 руб.
The role of dietary management in Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is to provide a proper balance of total nutrients while meeting the special dietary needs of the patient. Feeding a properly formulated diet designed to reduce the stone forming potential for both calcium oxalate and struvite uroliths will minimize
829.00 руб.
Капли Барс Спот-Он на холку эффективно борются как с круглыми и ленточными гельминтами (глистами), так и с блохами и клещами. Препарат наносится на холку животного, где понемногу впитывается в кровь и распределяется по подкожной жидкости (лимфе), что обеспечивает мягкую двойную защиту от блох и глистов.

Капли предназначены для комплексной борьбы с паразитами, в том числе, у животных, которые по каким-либо причинам не могут принимать антигельминтные (глистогонные) препараты в виде таблеток и суспензий.

Упаковка (1 шт.) содержит 4 пипетки.
160.00 руб.

Глина улучшает кровообращение и усиливает обменные процессы в клетках кожи. Универсальность этого высокоэффективного средства заключается в том, что оно полностью готово к применению и легко в использовании. Безопасное, быстродействующее и хорошо охлаждающее средство. Его действие связано с целебными свойствами природной голубой глины, добываемой с глубины десятков метров и содержащей все необходимые минеральные компоненты, идеально впитывающиеся поверхностью кожи.

Состав: глина 1,5 кг - 2 пакета по 750 г, 2 ёмкости по 500 мл бишофита с экстрактами арники, корней окопника, травы зверобоя, травы фиалки, листа шалфея, соплодий ольхи, корневищ с корнями кровохлебки, травы чистотела, побегов багульника болотного, травы эхинацеи, травы тысячелистника. Это прекрасное противовоспалительное средство.

349.00 руб.
Кондиционер Boboline «Ланолин-травы» (200мл)
249.00 руб.
Кондиционер Вoboline «Ланолин-цветы» (200мл)
249.00 руб.
Мазь «Alezan» с АСД и мирамистином содержит натуральные экстракты шалфея, ромашки, календулы и масло чайного дерева. Проверенный временем иммуностимулятор и мощнейший антисептик в составе мази уничтожает все виды микроорганизмов, включая грибы и вирусы, при этом не раздражая кожу. Мазь «Alezan» с АСД и мирамистином эффективен при мокрецах (кровососущих паразитах).
249.00 руб.

Нейтрализатор запахов на молекулярном уровне.

Антиаллергенный , без парфюмерных отдушек нейтрализатор запахов на молекулярном уровне. Прицип использования основан на поглощении молекул неприятного запаха и нейтрализации самого источника неприятного запаха.
199.00 руб.

149.00 руб.

Sensitive nutrition for dogs with normal levels of activity.

Your dog is even-tempered and has a normal level of activity?

Then BELCANDO DINNER is always the right choice for your dogs diet. Combine it with a healthy exercise regimen, and your dog will enjoy the benefits of wellness.
1455.00 руб.
For small and medium-sized breeds.

Is your dog, as a genuine member of the family, spending the majority of his time within your four walls? Do you want to strengthen his immune defenses and offer him a dry dog food that tastes so delicious, hell think you made it yourself? Then Belcando Finest-Croc with tender duck and the nest poultry liver is the right choice. The great taste is accented by the? Nest sauce which is formed when you add a small amount of warm water.
1689.00 руб.
For overweight and older dogs of small and medium-size breeds.

If your dog is a true connoisseur and turns up his nose at every diet, BELCANDO Finest Light is perfect for him. Tasty duck with a delicious sauce and easily digestible rice make up the primary ingredients in this reduced-energy recipe. Older dogs or dogs who tend to be overweight in particular can enjoy BELCANDO Finest Light with no regrets.
575.00 руб.
Frontline Spray is convenient, highly effective and only needs to be applied once a month to give both flea and tick control to your pet. More vets choose frontline as an effective reliable treatment to rid you pet from fleas and ticks then any other.
1225.00 руб.
For high powered dogs.
We are all familiar with especially active dogs who are particularly full of energy and who expend a lot of it. Belcando High Energy provides the energy.
1525.00 руб.
Multi-Croc, For fastidious with low and medium levels of activity.
Have you literally had to conjure up "something extra" for your dog's meals so he would eat his normal food? If so, try this delicious croquette mix with a hearty sauce designed for dogs with normal activity levels that even finicky eaters can't resist!
525.00 руб.
Pro Plan Adult Large Breed

Your large breed dog needs not only larger portions and larger kibbles but also a particular balance of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Large breed dogs can be particularly susceptible to joint and skeletal problems and their greater weight places extra stress on cartilaginous tissue...
3020.00 руб.
Pro Plan Puppy Sensitive
Pro Plan Puppy Sensitive is a complete Super Premium dry dog food designed to be used as a main meal for puppies with sensitive digestion. Made with
3215.00 руб.
Pro Plan Senior Sensitive Salmon & Rice
With the right balance of calcium and phosphorous as well as protein and fat, BETA Large Breed meets the needs of the large breed dogs.
695.00 руб.
For whelps of all breeds as well as for young dogs of smaller and medium-sized breeds.
Belcando Puppy is so healthy for tiny puppies because it is made with the best parts of milk. This makes the conversion to solid food easier.
535.00 руб.
Гель Охлаждающе-Разогревающий с Камфорой и Ментолом, 250 мл

Обеспечивает устранение застойных явлений и снижение риска развития воспалительных процессов, связанных с поверхностными травмами (без нарушения целостности тканей), ушибами, гематомами, растяжениями, отеками, подготовки мышц к нагрузкам и восстановления при переутомлении, сочетая с приемами массажа, укрывания и бинтования.

165.00 руб.
Крем-шампунь с норковым маслом 2 в одном(200мл)
249.00 руб.

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